Wednesday, February 25, 2009

We have the passport in hand!

Yesterday we recieved word that the passport would be ready today. Our facilitator made arrangements to pick us up at 7:00 am this morning to go for Natasha's medical exam and then to the US Embassy for the last step in this adoption process.

Natasha is NOT a morning person and I had a very hard time getting her up this morning. She had a meltdown and starting crying as I was pressing her to get up and get dressed. Our facilitator had to come up to the apartment and speak to her in Ukrainian.

The medical exam was not a big deal. After that I finally got her passport. We went off to the embassy to finish off the final paperwork. We have to return there at 2 pm for her Visa so we can fly home tomorrow. Horray!

We fly out of her at noon and will arrive in San Francisco somewhere after 11 pm Thursday night PST. While I have enjoyed the Ukraine, this has been a trying experience and I am ready to come home!!!!!!!!!!!!


BenBrown said...

Yipee! Things are going so smoothly... one more day..hang in there! Lots of hugs! Dafna

KT Bronson said...

Wow! I am so happy for all 3 of you. I hesitate to say anything until you are home but things seem to be on your side! Again I say prayers are with you all.


Kari said...

Hi, Mark & Laurel. How old is Natasha? Her moods remind me of our daughter, Ashley, before we brought her home from Ukraine. It was so difficult for her to leave her friends that we really did not get to see her personality until we were home in the US. Now she is exuberant, happy and a real joy to our family. She calls her best friend from her internat every Saturday. I love that you kept pursuing adoption, even when it didn't go as you planned. God bless your family!